DONATIONS / PAYMENTSNorthwestern Theological Seminary Celebrating over 40 years of educational ministry Since 1980 Thank you for supporting Northwestern Theological Seminary which is a worldwide educational ministry of Christian Alliance Ministries.
SECURE PAYMENTS BY CREDIT CARD (or) CHECK Payment Options A and B Provided Below... PAYMENT OPTION A*50% Initial Payment and 50% at Graduation Initial 50% paymen Initial 50% payment for Dual degree is $1,245 Pay your initial enrollment Payment by check or credit card using the secure portal. To make your initial payment, *Click DONATE button below. Then follow the simple instructions PAYMENT OPTION BTo Set Up Your 30-Day Auto Debit... Click the "Subscription Sign-Up" button below and complete the sign-up now... Your initial $99 enrollment payment will automatically be processed with your subscription. ALTERNATIVE CREDIT CARD PAYMENT OPTION If you are having problems making your payment utilizing the secure Credit Card portal, you may make your payment utilizing the Credit Card Payment Authorization By secure Fax form. Click the PDF logo to download the PDF Form for Credit Card Payment by FAX or e-mail:
* You can also complete the FAX form and then send it as an e-mail attachment to: Admin@NorthwesternMail.com *Also: as an alternative, if you do not have a credit card to use, your enrollment can be made with a credit card other than your own, a friend or family member will often be willing to help with educational assistance, and then that person can be reimbursed by you at a later time. SECURE PAYMENTS BY CHECK Paying by check through postal mail is highly discouraged due to the possibility of lost mail and also because of the 2- or more weeks of delay due to mail delivery issues and manual bank depositing and processing. * But, there is a solution.... You can still pay by check using your checking account through the secure server. The secure payment server converts your checking account information into an E-Check and it is processed immediately saving you precious time and more importantly making your transaction 100% secure. So, if you have a credit card that is near Click on the DONATE BUTTON found above: ALTERNATIVE FOR ENROLLED STUDENTS In an effort to assist students enrolled under a monthly payment plan option, with their payments, Northwestern Theological Seminary is pleased to offer the Automated Monthly Payment Plan. This is a convenient, way to fulfill the balance on your love offer through a prearranged monthly processing service. This service is offered at no additional costs (such as processing fees) to our students. Click the "Subscription Sign-Up" button above and complete the SECURE PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER FROM YOUR BANK ACCOUNT TO OUR MINISTRY BANK ACCOUNT. This is a very convenient way to complete your enrollment. You would simply do a wire transfer from your account to our ministry account. For directions on how to complete a transfer contact our administrative office and we will provide you with our banking information and instructions on how to complete your secure bank to bank transfer. To process by bank transfer contact our Administration at Admin@Northwestern-Email.com Withdrawal from the Auto-Debit Subscription: Withdrawal or cancellation of the auto-debit subscription requires the student to contact the Administration Office at Admin@Northwestern-email.com We thank you for helping to support this worldwide Bring your whole tithe into the temple so that we may have food for the ministry and test me in this says the Lord, if I will not open the windows of heaven and pour a blessing upon you that is more than you can hold. (Malachi 3:10) paraphrase online degrees | Seminary education | accredited degrees | salvation | world missions |Online Seminary| ministries | apply for online degree | welcome |
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